The Indian Anthropologist strives to promote research and publication of anthropology in India, encouraging representative as well as multi-vocal writings from different geographical regions and social groups, cross-cutting domains of issues, perspective, approaches and disciplinary collaborations. It is dedicated to maintaining an academic rigor alongside a balance between the interests of the Community and bringing forth professional contribution of Anthropologists to the world. While its focus remains India, the journal looks at comparative studies between the relative spaces of global and local and invites relevant papers from all over the world. The journal is guided by the code of Ethics laid down by Indian Anthropological Association, and endeavors to maintain transparency, representation and inclusiveness in academic work.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice statement:

The Editorial Committee which remains clearly displayed on the journals’ web page is an attempt to collaborate specialists from varied institutions as well as individuals with different spectrum of academic and research interests.

Editors’ Duties:
1. The editorial committee reserves the right to publication decisions in terms of accepting, rejecting or requesting modifications of the manuscript. The submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their academic and intellectual content, relevance, originality, clarity and scope of the journal, and will hold no regard to the authors’ ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, citizenship or political philosophy etc. in the publication decisions.

2. The Indian Anthropologist takes issues of copyright infringement and plagiarism very seriously, and will subject the submitted articles to plagiarism check software.

3. The submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review.

4. The publication process might include of multiple rounds of reviews and modifications and the editorial committee reserves the right to edit, clarify or shorten the manuscript as deemed necessary (in consultation with the author/s) as well as to ensure stylistic consistency and conciseness.
5. The editorial committee will ensure confidentiality regarding manuscript submitted by the author(s)as well as its content.
6. The members of the editorial committee will not use any (unpublished) submissions or part of the submission for their own research without the author’s explicit written consent.
7. Editorial committee will be responsible for the selection of the relevant peer reviewers and clearly communicating the reviewer’s duties and ethical responsibilities to them.
8. Indian Anthropologist reserves the right to take strict action against an(the) author (s) in case it finds any misconduct by the author.

Reviewers’ Duties:
1. The reviewers must maintain confidentiality of all manuscripts received.

2. The reviewers must maintain a level of objectivity, and evaluate the manuscripts on the basis of their academic and intellectual content, relevance, originality, authenticity and clarity and hold no regard or bias against the authors’ ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, citizenship or political philosophy etc.

3. Reviewers must ensure that author (s) have cited/ acknowledged all relevant published work referred to in the paper. Reviewers should also point out relevant published work which have not yet been cited, but can contribute substantial insight to the paper.

4. The reviewers must bring to attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript and any other published (unpublished works) papers that they are aware of.

5. Reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.

6. Reviewers should not review manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative or other relationships, or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the manuscript.

7. The reviewer must not use the (unpublished) manuscript or part of it for his/her own research.

8. The reviewer should be prompt in the review process and work within the stipulated time frame.

Authors’ Duties:
1. Author’s have the responsibility of adhering to the manuscript submission guidelines (mentioned under) of the journal.

2. Authors must keep in mind that their manuscript is well researched, and has relevance, originality, authenticity and clarity. Indian Anthropologist is strictly against plagiarism and reserves the right to take action against the author in case it finds the author in the wrong, thus the authors are advised to ensure originality, authenticity of their work including the use of visuals and illustrations. Authors must appropriately acknowledge, cite or quote the work and/or words of others.

3. The manuscript under consideration should not have been published elsewhere nor should it be under consideration for publication elsewhere simultaneously. The author must refrain from multiple submissions.

4. Authorship of the Paper should be clearly mentioned with the name of all the relevant contribution (along with institutional association and affiliation or as independent researcher).The author submitting the manuscript to the journal must ensure that all contributing co- authors have been mentioned. Equally, uninvolved person(s) should be left out of the list.

5. Authors must notify the editorial committee of any conflicts of interest that may be construed to influence the manuscript.

6. Authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes at any point in time if the author(s) discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in submitted manuscript. IAA holds the copyright for all material to the editor. Written permission from the editor is required for republishing any article that has appeared in the journal.

Manuscript submission guidelines:
1. A paper should not be more than 5000 words excluding notes and references.

2. Notes and references should appear at the end of the paper. Notes should contain more than just bibliographical references. Within the text, notes should be indicated in superscript.

3. An abstract of 100-150 words along with 5 keywords should precede the article.

4. Authors must provide their names, designation, official and email addresses with their papers.

5. Please note that manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned.

6. There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this journal.

Access to the journal:
As per the IAA and IA policy, all the Life Members of the IA are entitled of a copy of the journal. Author's receive the Author's Copy of the journal. The individual articles of the journal are available at JSTOR.

The journal is in license agreement with JSTOR. In a way, it serves as the electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content.

This Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement is based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011).